The Gym at IHC is especially interested in creating a motivating environment that you will enjoy visiting to meet your fitness goals.

To achieve this, we have a modern facility with new equipment, excellent lighting and a focus on cleanliness and air quality.

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Finally, A Gym Designed With Your Needs In Mind.

Our fitness centre is very clean with ample access to hydrating drinks and protein. We have showers and change rooms that respect your privacy and provide a spa like experience.

While it is completely accessible to other parts of our Centre, the fitness facility is separated so as not to draw attention from the general public (Nobody is going to be watching you!)

Our fitness centre clientele includes working professionals, youth, seniors, high-competitive athletes and more.


We are diligent on creating a welcoming environment with excellent access to equipment and 24/7 virtual classes.

We want everyone to feel comfortable at our centre and so we offer loads of options, including cardio, free weights, machine weights, virtual classes and more.

Our results-based MedEx program is our ultimate program for functional fitness – fast! The facility is staffed with a Personal Trainer Specialist (PTS). Being a PTS means that they can develop a workout plan that feels comfortable for you to implement and that will help you reach your goals.

Let Us Help Get You Fit

Keeping fit is something everyone can do to benefit his or her health.

The rewards you gain in your 60's by being fit in your 40's are unmistakable. The real question is what kind of fitness program is right for your? How do you stay motivated to participate in fitness?

That’s what we can help with at Integrated Health Centre.

We know that your time is precious and we have various options to help you make the most of your time spent in the gym.

Whether it is the 15 minutes once a week Medical Exercise program, work with a Personal Trainer one-on-one or having a customized program just for you to do on your own, or even at home - we have what you need to reach your health goals. And we do it in a multidisciplinary centre where there are lots of professionals to meet your needs, should you require them.

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