Cryovizion Imaging System

Gain a clear and complete view of your patient's postural condition from a single image

Cryos has created this unique postural system that uses cameras and light to help health care providers monitor progress with regard to orthotics. Integrated Health Centre is taking it one step further using it to challenge us to be better at our delivery of care. 

More information available on the Cryos website

Cryovizion Imaging System

In a single image, a clear and complete view of your patient’s postural condition.

Step 1: Observation Booth

As a new patient or someone getting orthotics, we beginning our journey in the observation booth. What happens at this stage is the patient will enter the booth, and disrobe to the level that they are comfortable. Once completed, the image sequencing will commense; the staff operator will direct the patient in order to capture the patient's full body from various angles. The observation booth uses two banks of LED lights to project and capture the images. 

Step 2: Topography

While capturing the images, the Cryovizion software processes and produces coloured topographical images of the skins' surface. The allos for the surface variations caused by postural, structural and musculoskeletal pathologies to be easily observed. These images are stored on a local, PIPPEDA compliant computer for the clinician.

Step 3: Interpretation of results

With your clinician, they will review the filtered images and communicate to the patient the results of the evaluation along side the examination that they perform (New Patient Exam) in order to provide the patient with a complete diagnosis and treatment plan. 

Step 4: Treatment plan and follow up

Once the diagnosis and treatment plan has been communicated and agreed to between the clinician and patient, the administrative staff will book the treatment plan for it to be carried out. Upon completion of the treatment plan, the clinician would recommend a follow up visit with the patient to take additional imagesa and to assess the progress. The additional images will be stored in the patient file for documenting the history of progress in real-time.