This article is shared with permission from our friends at St. Fransis, a natural supplement/herbal company in Canada dedicated to sustainable, natural health. The original article can be found here.

Because allergies are fundamentally an immune issue, in the past our Deep Immune® original formula was typically the product we recommended for treating allergies. By introducing our Deep Immune for Allergies formula, we fine-tuned our approach, devising what is essentially a complementary remedy. We’ve ended up with an ideal double-edged solution. It’s one that allows sufferers to not only tackle the debilitating symptoms of allergy season while they’re actually occurring, but its deeper immune-balancing action also prevents them before they have a chance to take hold.

To achieve this, we added two differentiating herbs when we formulated Deep Immune® for Allergies, namely, Nettles and Prickly Ash. Besides their merits as allergy remedies, these are especially good at restoring the health and integrity of mucous membranes of the sinus and nasal passages. Also significant is the addition of homeopathic ingredients. 

The Role of Adaptogenic Herbs in Helping to Reverse TH2 Predominance

Compromised immunity lies at the root of a wide range of health problems and is best described as an imbalance rather than a simple excess or deficiency in cell type or function. Autoimmunity (AI), for example, can be understood as an imbalance between various subsets of T-cells, specifically underactive Treg cells, which normally keep “self-reactive” T cells in check. Treg cells also act to suppress excessive immune reactions to the environment, i.e. allergies. This corrective property includes the normalization of T-cell balance, as well as optimizing the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. The research indicates, moreover, that those with a hyper-reactive TH2 (humoral) type immunity relative to TH1 (cell-mediated) immunity are more likely to suffer with allergies.


A clinical study published in 2006 demonstrated that, relative to healthy controls, astragalus improved the THl to TH2 ratio status in 15 asthma patients. Meanwhile, a later randomized, placebo-controlled six-week trial involving 48 patients with moderate to severe seasonal concluded that astragalus “significantly decreased allergy symptoms and improved quality of life in comparison to the placebo group.”


A case series published in the Townsend Letter reveals a rapid and significant alleviation in allergy symptoms once reishi supplementation was started.

Schisandra berries suppress pro-inflammatory cytokines

Schisandra is used in TCM to “dry excess fluids” and to treat allergy-induced asthma. In vitro research has demonstrated that it inhibits leukotriene and other pro-inflammatory cytokines like interleukin (IL)-4, IL-13, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α).

Supplemented by Nettles and Prickly Ash

A randomized double blind trial from 1990 argues for the benefit of freeze-dried nettle leafin the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Practitioner Paul Bergner mounts a counter-argument to this, maintaining that freeze-drying is not essential to the effectiveness of nettles and that, indeed, “… conventionally dried nettles may be equally or more effective.” Meanwhile, Kerry Bone confirms that prickly ash is a mucous membrane alterative, especially used in traditional Western herbalism for sinus and postnasal catarrhal conditions.

With Homeopathic Ingredients

A meta-analysis that appeared in 1996 examined 7 randomized control and 4 non-randomized control trials, investigating the effectiveness of Galphimia glaucafor allergic rhinitis symptoms. They concluded that the remedy showed a “significant superiority” to placebo, its effectiveness comparable to conventional antihistamines. Also, around the same time, practitioner DH Chand published a case series outlining his excellent results over a 10-year period, relating the use of Histaminum 7CH for allergic rhinitis and asthma. Meanwhile, Allium cepa, Sabadilla, Solidago virgaurea and Lac defloratum have all been used in homeopathic medicine to treat allergy symptoms. 

Nuts and Bolts of Treatment

All of the above makes for an ideal double-edged formula. On the one hand, it treats the underlying immune imbalance that causes allergy, while also providing fast relief of acute allergy symptoms like sneezing, itching, and watering eyes. 

In clinical practice, it should be added, I find long-term immune support to be the best solution for a cure. It’s best to start treatment well in advance of the season—indeed, some months before—depending on when the symptoms occur. Allergy sufferers should begin a program of using Deep Immune® for Allergies 4-6 weeks before their expected onset of symptoms and do so consistently in the seasons that follow. Best of seasonal health! 


For more information on Deep Immune for Allergies check out our blogs on Allergeis - Poor Immunity is at the Root and How to Clear your Seasonal Allergy Symptoms Naturally.

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