Our integrated approach, first began in 1992 when Dr.Bair-Patel was completing his rounds at a clinic in Toronto. It had a variety of services that assisted patients in their recovery – Dr.Bair-Patel since there was always someone who “Thinked Differently” and wanted to challenge the norm. We have a saying in our office: “Don’t trust anybody, especially yourself” because when we say this constantly it reminds us that we have to test our theories multiple times before we can get results.
In August of ’92, Dr.Bair-Patel and his wife decided, as they were finishing up school, that they wanted to settle down in Ottawa to start their careers and raise a family. Plans did not have it that way but however at that time there was only 3 chiropractic clinics in all of Renfrew County. This was a perfect opportunity for Dr.Bair-Patel to learn and grown as a practitioner while delivery the high quality care that patients have become to know and want from us [Integrated Health Centre].
In the beginning years, Dr.Bair-Patel was like any other practitioner and followed the guidelines of treating 3 times a week; as he grew his knowledge by giving up his weekends to attend courses, he started to question the guidelines and reviewing new research. Through his research and education he become aware of modalities that would aid him in his practice and allow him to help more patients. Laser therapy was the first addition to our clinic, when Dr.Bair-Patel first started using laser therapy as he had only read research articles he would often times give the treatment away and inform the patient that he thinks that it might work for their condition. Through this approach Dr.Bair-Patel has been a very collaborative practice – and we say that not in the traditional approach of collaboration between practitioners but through getting the patient to participate in their health care.
Dr.Bair-Patel will challenge patients and welcomes patients to challenge him in order to assist in keeping him on top of his game. Fastforward to January of ’22, this collaborative and integrated practice has proven to be a successful model because not only have we grown our offering from a single chiropractic office to chiropractors, physiotherapy, massage therapy, naturopathic doctor, psychotherapist and now dental hygienist. People come from all over the county to receive care – we also have people telling us that this type of clinic does not even belong in Pembroke, it is a bigger city type of clinic.
Dr. Bair-Patel discovered very early on the benefit of integrating multiple modalities into the patients care plan in order to aid in the recovery. Although the care plan might seem more expensive in the short run, Dr.Bair-Patel and our team’s ultimate goal is to educate the patient so that our services are not needed. By educating and getting active involvement in the care plan, as a practitioner, we foster trust which in turn allows patients to refer family and friends knowing that they are in good hands when the Integrated Health Centre team takes care of them.