During a crisis, whether small or large there are two ways a business can think - just wait and see where you go with the flow and see where the crisis will take you; or you can PIVOT and innovate your business to address the crisis and change directions.
That is exactly what we did, at the beginning of this pandemic during the 4 month shutdown from March to May 2020 - we started looking at expansion as we knew we were going to be adding an extra Chiropractor to our team in September of 2020.
Little did we know that what we were looking to do, would actually work within the COVID-19 restrictions and actually allow us to continue practicing in a safe environment for both clients and staff.
As of May 12, 2021 we officially started renovated of our space to add 5 new treatment rooms and create an even more welcoming space that will allow for all our practitioners to continue to provide the excellent care that the community has known Integrated Health Centre to provide.